When you crunch the numbers...

It makes sense to ask for help, your busy seeing clients, brining in the revenue for your business, having administrative tasks take away from time you can be working with clients or creating and running groups just doesn't add up. These courses will help you set up things efficiently and have systems that will bring you to success.

Billing Insurance Companies

We at Konter & Associates Professional Billing services can do this for you, however we have some tools to teach you how to also do the work on your own.

Group Practice

Moving from a solo practice to a group practice has a bit of a learning curve, we have a short course to deliver to you the steps to set the group practice up correctly.

Virtual Assistances

Hiring a Virtual Assistance or an Administrative Assistant will free up so much time for you in your practice. Having your systems set up in an organized and succinct way will eliminate the back and forth and allow the assistant to start off running.

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